Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here we go...again

okay, so i am going to do this master cleanse thing again. why, you ask? because i felt soooo good while i was doing it. it felt good to not be bloated, gassy, and just miserable. oh, and losing 11 pounds in six days wasn't so bad either. anyway, i drank some smooth move at 6:00. meredith suggested i get the chocolate kind; she loves it. it's a little after 9:00 now and i've made some lemonade (enough for three glasses). i would have made a gallon but i seem to have misplaced my container. *sigh*

anyway, i'll get another one. until tomorrow's entry...nighty, night!

to be continued...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Raw Week-Day 2

so i made it to day 2 of raw week. yay! last night was rough. all i wanted was something warm. that's all. just a little something to get me through the night. *sigh*

anyway, check out how my day is going so far...

"green" smoothie (fresh squeezed orange juice, banana, granny smith apple, and kale) yum!

oh, and i have a[nother] colonic scheduled for 12:15 pm today. i can't wait. (*don't judge*)


elimination #1-7 (again, don't judge)
i don't know if i'll ever be able to function in life without some colon hydrotherapy. this session was awesome. although it was pretty uneventful when i was on the table, once i was left alone to, uh, "do me," it was on...elminations rule! lol

if you've never had a colonic, i now swear by them and i think everyone should do it. i plan to do one every month now. i just feel better after a session. and that's what it's about, feeling better! :)

to be continued...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Raw Week-Day 1

so, i've decided to join the sistergarten and go "raw" for a week. i mean, i did the master cleanse for six days, this should be a breee, right? hmph! we'll see. these entries won't be as detailed but i'll try my best to get it all in. or, out for that matter. *he,he*

breakfast:"green" smoothie (banana, mango, and kale), granny smith apple, and almonds

lunch: salad (spinach, cabbage, green/red/yellow peppers, broccoli, pico de gallo, and homemade balsamic vinegarette)

afternoon snack: granny smith apple and craisins

dinner: smoothie (strawberries, banana, granny smith, and spinach), carrots, and a granny smith apple

i'm not a big fan of strawberries unless they're whole with no extras. so, it took me some time to get the smoothie down.

elimination #1

to be continued...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 6-Friday, March 27, 2009

okay, it's been sooo long since i've updated this thing. *shame*

anyway let me catch you up on what day six was like and the new ventures...

before i get to day six, let's talk about day five. for some strange reason, i wasn't as prepared as i should have been. at work, i was down to about 32 ounces of lemonade and needed more maple syrup in order to make a new batch. since it was so rainy, i decided that it would be easier to walk to creative health instead of publix. me and tina get to creative health and guess what they don't sell? you guess it, maple syrup. so, we head up the general store because, of course, they sell everything. now, they did sell maple syrup but only grade a. no grade b in sight. so, i was like "that's okay, i can stop by the store after work and all will be well." or so i thought. not only was i on a tight schedule, i had to run home, shower/change clothes, and load up the care because i had a party to do. for those who don't know, "i do those parties!" (visit me here)

anyway, i was unable to get to the store so i figured regular spring water would hold me over. talk about resisting temptation, there were so many tasty treats at the party (no pun). but, i stuck with it and didn't eat a thing. Yay me!

so, fast forward to about 10:45. that's when i left the party. (it started at 7:00)

i get home and because this was the first party in a loooong time, i immediately put my orders in. needless to say, i was up until 2:00 am. when my alarm clock went off, something was wrong. i didn't feel like myself. i was shaking internally and i knew exactly why. i hadn't drank even a forth of what i was supposed to the day before. my body was shutting down. so, i showered and attempted to get ready for work. but the shakes were scaring me. i immediately went downstairs to grab that banana that i had been eyeing all week. and i did something that i said i wasn't going to do. i ate it. it was so good. at some point i called selena or selena called me. either way, i told her what happened and that i felt dizzy and would be in late...i needed to day down for a few. so, i did what a great employess does. i called my boss, left a message that i would be in late and went back to sleep. i ended up coming in at 10:45 am. those extra hours really helped.

so i say all that to day, i made it from sunday to thursday on the master cleanse. i do plan to do it again, i'm just not sure when.

stay tuned for all my other crazy detox/cleanse/diets adventures.

oh, i forgot to add my eliminations: 9:00 am (elimination #1) and 11:00 am (elmination #2)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 5-Thursday, March 26, 2009

today sucks. maybe it's the rain but my energy level is low and i am hungrier than i've been so far. but, i shant give up. i am seepin' my tea now and sippin' lemonade. i didn't drink any tea last night. yesterday was my one time to "fall off." today will be better. i went to bi-lo this morning before work to stock up and they didn't have grade b maple syrup. ugh. i'll walk down to the health store later. i'm just sooo tired!

on a happier note, i'm down to 197! ten pounds in five days, hooray!

okay so it's 3:55 and i haven't gone yet. tuh!

oh wait, maybe i spoke too soon!

4:19 pm: elimination #1
i'll be back to explain this one

to be continued...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 4-Wednesday, March 25, 2009

to go or not to go, that is the question. and by go, i mean to work. *side eye*

8:10 am:
elimination #1
wtf was that? yeah, i can tell that i'm at the "fecal matter/lining of the colon" part of the cleasnse. fun! sorry for not warning you about that last sentence but if you're following me, you should know that's it's only going to get worse from here.

anyway, i was sitting in my truck this morning, about to pull out when i got the feeling. so i sat for a minute and thought, "should i go now or can it wait 'til i get to the office?" so, i went. good thing i did because it took me forever to get here. traffic was a mess. damn those free chik-n-minis (mmm, chicken minis). sorry, i lost focus. anyway, i was pretty busy last night so i didn't get to update yesterday's blog as much. this is kind of how it all went down:

1) went to claudia and john's house. john ate wheat saltines in front of me and i wanted to cry, lol (poor thing, he didn't know)

2) stopped by the bar to let my uncle review the new menus. the food smelled so good and it was all i could do to not snatch a fry. but i was sKrong. i think i'm more aware of bad things now and the grease was turning my stomach. or maybe i was just hungry, lol.

3) got home. drank my smooth move, and made a batch of lemonade. i used my last five lemons and maple syrup so i may stop by whole foods tonight to stock up. i have enough to get me through today. oh, i can't remember if i mentioned this yesterday or not but the lemonade is tastier cold and deeeeeeelish slushy-like! :)

and for the best part of today, i'm down to 199! i tried to stop weighing myself but it didn't work. anyway, i still haven't eaten a thing since saturday and i'm so proud.

5:38 pm: elimination #2
going a little slow today

okay so it's 5:50 and today has been going in slow motion. i didn't drink my tea until almost noon and i haven't drank a lot of my lemonade. anyway, i just woke up from a much needed nap. 'twas lovely. one weird thing about this cleanse is the dreams i now have. oh my! they're so crystal clear and strange. i can't even explain it.

i've also decided that after this cleanse, i start dr. ian's fat smash. i read a very inspiring article today and it got me all excited about being healthy and eating right. i'm thinking this may not be hard at all because, hell, i've already gone almost five days without food so what's so hard about incorporating healthy options. and the best part of all, seven saltine crackers are one of the snack choices...yay!

6:32 pm: elimination #3
no we're gettin' somewhere! not much to say. mostly liquid. (you're welcome)

to be continued...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 3-Tuesday, March 24, 2009

whew, what a way to start the morning! i went to bed with a piercing headache last night and figured i should just call it a night and it would be all better by morning. and guess is. i actually woke up when my alarm went off this morning, with all intentions to go back to sleep, of course. but, after the tinkle, i laid in bed for a few minutes looking at my e-mails and then it hit me. the big one. my first elimination was at about 6:10 and it was quite a challenge. in my head i'm thinking "how is it possible that i'm still going?" either way, i am. today is day three and i'm sooo proud of myself.

6:10 am: elimination #1
this was a rough! aside from being sleepy as heck and not wanting the lights on (yes, i was in the dark), i didn't know when this ride would be over. all i was worried about was going back to sleep. no such luck now.

6:40 am: off to get ready for work (and thinking i'd rather have more tea than the swf. whatcha think?)

7:00 am: i said i wasn't going to weigh myself until the end but i just can't help it. i just got out of the shower and hopped on the scale. guess what it read....go 'head, i'll wait.

...201! have i really lost six pounds? apparently. you know what that just confirms? that i'm full of sh*t! hahaha.

off to get dressed and head to the office.

8:20 am: elimination #2
omg! i felt this one coming on before i even got to office. in my head i was contemplating whether to park on the street or truck it from the garage. so many decisions. thankfully i was able to park in the garage and make it to the office. that's about all i did because thirty seconds later i was in the baƱo. i think at this point i'm eliminating the old waste and toxins because *caution: gross* the texture and color are different. i've read that bile is sort of yellowish. so yeah, definitely toxins!

9:00 am: i just made my tea and lemonade. i should be good for today, and maybe tonight.

11:48 am: elimination #3
so i was reading last night that floaters are good. it's actually fat waste that's being eliminated and fat weighs less so it floats. i hope i got that right. either way, i haven't had a solid elimination since day 1 and no floating until today.

2:27 pm: elimination #4
i feel like something else is trying to make it's way through to no avail. ah well.

2:45 pm: i went walking with tina and selena and 'bout died on the way up. hills are a lot steeper when you have no food in your belly. all i want is a saltine cracker. just one.

to be continued...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 2-Monday, March 23, 2009

reading a cookbook [before bed] for pleasure probably isn't a wise idea during this cleanse, but i did it anyway. "mmm, i'm gonna make that when i can eat again!" i'm just sayin'.

okay, i kind of got a late start this morning. i was in bed by 9:30 and probably asleep by 10:00. i set my timer and called it a night. i had a slight headache but figured a good night sleep would cure that. at 6:00 my alarm went off and of course i snoozed because another alarm would go off at 6:15. or so i thought. i still had that one set for "weekend" so i ended up waking up at 7:00. too scared to drink my tea, i decided that i would just drink it once i got to the office. so, i pack up my things, including my "cleanse safety kit" (wipes, lysol, and matches...*don't judge*) and head for the door. or, so i thought. my stomach and other organs were on a different mission. i made a quick dash for the bathroom and the rest is below. enjoy...

7:15 am: i weighed myself when i got out the shower and the scale read 204, woo-hoo! now, i don't think i eliminated three pounds yesterday but who knows.

7:50 am: elimination #1
smooth move wasted no time this morning. at all. this one was quick and painless.

9:00 am: more smooth move tea (i'm going to do the swf every other day)

9:15 am: drank the equivalent to two glasses of lemonade sans the cayenne. i'm going to use that at night. (making all kinds of changes, huh?)

10:35 am: i think i feel #2 coming on-FALSE ALARM!

11:30 am: me and tina walked to publix. i went for more lemons and water to keep here at the office and she got some meals. i'm so hatin' right now. *sigh* i was walking do each aisle looking and craving stuff i don't even eat.

12:09 pm: just talked to meredith; we're both starving. she wants a salad and i would kill for some saltines!

2:45 pm: elimination #2
with emergency kit in hand, i made a mad dash to the bano! woo-hoo! (how am i still going if i haven't eaten anything? things that make you go hmmm)

3:10 pm: me and tina walked again. getting out of the office is nice.

6:30ish: i just got in from class. talk about a text. first beth walks in with dove chocolate and gummy bears for everyone, then terrell walks in with not one but two boxes of krispy kreme doughnuts. *singing* how could they be so heartless? anyway, i didn't partake in any of the goodies. so proud! however, now i'm starving. lemonade it is. i guess i'll get my clothes ready for work and try and do some school work that i've been slacking on! ugh. 45 days 'til graduation!

6:51 pm: elimination #3
let's just say that i'm thankful to have been home. lord, help me! hmm, my stomach is making some noises i've never heard before.

OMG, i want to chew something. all i want is a saltine. is that too much to ask? ugh.

i used the last of the lemons i had here to make about sixty-four ounces of lemonade. that should last me through the night and breakfast. i also made my tea. i'm drinking that now. aside from the headache i have, all is well. the book said that headaches would occur. it completely has to be cleanse-related because i usually have headaches on the right side but my left side is piercing! so yeah, i'm just going to drink this tea and go to bed. hopefully the headache will be gone with the next elimination. we'll see.

to be continued...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 1-Sunday, March, 22, 2009

"...but that's because you're tall!"

if i hear that statement one more time i'm going to scream. oh, you're probably wondering what i'm talking about. my weight, of course. every time i tell someone how much i weigh or complain about it, that's the response get. i mean, i get it but still, i'd like to be at a healthier weight.

so i guess you're wondering what my weight is, huh? ugh, fine. according to the scale this morning, i weigh 207 pounds. my height, you ask? 5'7". i'm still upset about that. for the last few years, i've been telling people that i was 5'9". the nurse at the first physician's office i went to quickly crushed that dream. thanks, dreamcrasher. anyway, i just looked up my body mass index (bmi) and it's 32.4. what does that mean exactly...i'm obese! now had i been two inches taller, my bmi would be just 30.6, which is still obese but a lot closer to just being overweight. lol.

anyway, after last night's entry, i was hoping and praying that the smooth move would take it's complete6+ hours to work because i need my sleep. i went to bed around 3:15 am or so. yeah, i'm beat now. anyway, i woke up at about 7:45 am to use the restroom but it's was just releasing all the water i had been drinking. in a perfect world i would have stayed up and drank my salt water flush (swf) but i didn't. i went back to sleep. i got up around 9:20 and immediately drank my swf.

disclaimer: below is the timeline of my day [i.e.- drinks, symptoms, eliminations, etc.] proceed with caution

9:30 am: drank swf (i really wish there was a way around this)

10:14 am: first elimination of the day
-nothing too bad; felt like a normal elimination, quick and painless.

10:32 am: first elimination, parte dos
-let's just say that parte dos was a little less solid than the original. glad i have no plans to leave the house today. note to self: use caution when trying to pass gas. i'm just sayin'

10:45 am: i'm starting to feel hungry. think i'll have some of my lemonade now. i prepared enough for four of the eight glasses i'm supposed to have.

10:50 am: it's me again. elimination #3. a lot less solid than numero uno. i couldn't even get to the kitchen good before having to make quick u-turn. this is going to be a fun day.

11:06 am: first glass of lemonade. it's okay. kind of spicy. maybe i added too much cayenne. either way, it's tasty enough that i feel i can drink it for ten days. some people say that even after the cleanse, they crave the lemonade. we'll see.

11:08 am: i need to drink this quickly because i am starving.

11:30 am: i'm off to clean the office. that's the one thing i do want to accomplish during this cleanse

1:52 pm: i'm starving. more lemonade and i think i feel #4 coming on. fun times.

3:45 pm: steph just called and told me about the wonderful meal she just had. she's so cruel. mmm, plantains. lord knows i luh me some plantains.

4:45 pm: i just took my before pics. ugh, i'm too ashamed to post them but i will.

5:00 pm: impromptu work out to burn some extra calories.

7:04 pm: i just got back in from my mom's house and all i'm asking for is the strength to get through the next two days. my niece was walking around with a bag of ruffles chips and it took everything in me to not snatch 'em out of her hand.

i'm also having a hard to drinking my lemonade. aside from it being hot, i can't drink when i'm not thirsty so i'm forcing myself to drink it. ugh. i think i'll make my last mix and call it a night. maybe i'll do some yoga to relax my muscles.

today's accomplishments: shredded mail and recycled, organized my things for my side-hustles, and washed clothes.

not too bad.

to be continued...

Day 0-Saturday, March 21, 2009

"one big fart waiting to happen"

that's what i told a friend of mine i was just a few months ago. for years i have battled "belly" issues and even though i knew [know] what i should be doing, i was a tad stubborn. *don't judge* anyway, for the last three months i have been back and forth to physician after physician about stomach pains and the only thing i've gotten out of it is about $1200 in medical bills. that's not cool. so, i finally said enough is enough and agreed to try and solve these problems on my own.

about three years ago i learned about detoxing and even tried a few different ones. the only one i enjoyed most was a two-week detox that still allowed me to eat and cleanse at the same time. *score* the downfall was taking eighteen pills per day. six in the morning, six in the afternoon, and six in the evening. talk about being hard to swallow. but, in two weeks, i felt better and had lost about nine pounds. but secretly, i was dying to try the master cleanse. many people know it as the "lemonade diet" that beyonce did to lose weight for her role as deena in "dreamgirls." either way, i wanted to get my hands on this cleanse and fast. so, i ordered the original book by stanley burroughs as well as an updated book by peter glickman. i read and read. i looked up online journals from people who had already done the cleanse. i was pumped! i was also not trying to do this alone. i wanted someone to join me on this great journey to better health. but, as soon as i got to the "you can't anything for tens days..." everything came to a screeching hault.
fast forward to march 10, 2009 and you have meredith. i am seriously convinced that she is my twin soul or at least a distant cousin i never knew about. either way, us meeting was the beginning to a beautiful friendship and journey.

i don't exactly remember how we began talking about it but the master cleanse came up in conversation. "let's do it!" was pretty much all it took. now, i had a partner. someone who was willing to give up their love of food with me. yay! because we had to mentally and physically prepare ourselves for the cleanse, we agreed that we should start sunday, march 22, 2009. this way, we'd have time to cut certain foods our of our diets, as well as eat up whatever was in the refrigerator. hey, it's a recession. can't have food just going to waste, lol.

with all that said...welcome to my blog. this particular part of my blog is going to be about the ten day master cleanse. here, i plan to journal what the cleanse will do to/for me. not only do i want to remember this moment but i hope to help someone else who may be thinking about detoxing.

so, i guess i'll start now.

saturday, march, 21, 2009-almost midnight

I just drank my smooth move tea and according the book, when i wake up, i will drink the salt water flush. eww! the flush is 32 ounces of spring water mixed with 2 teaspoons of sea salt. yum! not so much.

for the rest of the day, i will drink my lemonade concoction. (i'll be back later to share the recipe and fill in any gaps. oh, and i'll be posting "before" pics as well. fun.

ok, i'm off to uh, "sleep" and wait for this tea to do its job. "sleep" better come soon or it's gonna be wrap!

until tomorrow.
