Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here we go...again

okay, so i am going to do this master cleanse thing again. why, you ask? because i felt soooo good while i was doing it. it felt good to not be bloated, gassy, and just miserable. oh, and losing 11 pounds in six days wasn't so bad either. anyway, i drank some smooth move at 6:00. meredith suggested i get the chocolate kind; she loves it. it's a little after 9:00 now and i've made some lemonade (enough for three glasses). i would have made a gallon but i seem to have misplaced my container. *sigh*

anyway, i'll get another one. until tomorrow's entry...nighty, night!

to be continued...


  1. Im cheering for u sista...well breakfast was a turkey breast and oatmeal panckaes. Through out the day, Im eating Special K and Fruit. Not sure was dinner will be! Go Tenisha!

  2. ah. alice in colonland. moove smoothly, my dear. move smoothly. valerayyyyyyyy.
