Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 6-Friday, March 27, 2009

okay, it's been sooo long since i've updated this thing. *shame*

anyway let me catch you up on what day six was like and the new ventures...

before i get to day six, let's talk about day five. for some strange reason, i wasn't as prepared as i should have been. at work, i was down to about 32 ounces of lemonade and needed more maple syrup in order to make a new batch. since it was so rainy, i decided that it would be easier to walk to creative health instead of publix. me and tina get to creative health and guess what they don't sell? you guess it, maple syrup. so, we head up the general store because, of course, they sell everything. now, they did sell maple syrup but only grade a. no grade b in sight. so, i was like "that's okay, i can stop by the store after work and all will be well." or so i thought. not only was i on a tight schedule, i had to run home, shower/change clothes, and load up the care because i had a party to do. for those who don't know, "i do those parties!" (visit me here)

anyway, i was unable to get to the store so i figured regular spring water would hold me over. talk about resisting temptation, there were so many tasty treats at the party (no pun). but, i stuck with it and didn't eat a thing. Yay me!

so, fast forward to about 10:45. that's when i left the party. (it started at 7:00)

i get home and because this was the first party in a loooong time, i immediately put my orders in. needless to say, i was up until 2:00 am. when my alarm clock went off, something was wrong. i didn't feel like myself. i was shaking internally and i knew exactly why. i hadn't drank even a forth of what i was supposed to the day before. my body was shutting down. so, i showered and attempted to get ready for work. but the shakes were scaring me. i immediately went downstairs to grab that banana that i had been eyeing all week. and i did something that i said i wasn't going to do. i ate it. it was so good. at some point i called selena or selena called me. either way, i told her what happened and that i felt dizzy and would be in late...i needed to day down for a few. so, i did what a great employess does. i called my boss, left a message that i would be in late and went back to sleep. i ended up coming in at 10:45 am. those extra hours really helped.

so i say all that to day, i made it from sunday to thursday on the master cleanse. i do plan to do it again, i'm just not sure when.

stay tuned for all my other crazy detox/cleanse/diets adventures.

oh, i forgot to add my eliminations: 9:00 am (elimination #1) and 11:00 am (elmination #2)

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